How to Create The Perfect Cozy Reading Nook

I have recently gotten back into reading this summer and decided to create a cozy book nook in my house! I wanted to share all my book nook essentials with you in case you want to create a reading nook for yourself or your kiddos!


A main essential to a reading nook is having a comfortable place to sit! There are so many choices when it comes to the perfect chair for your reading nook! If you are making a reading corner for the kiddos I love this sherpa chair or this plush folding dish chair! If the reading nook is for an older kid or an adult I am loving this chair and ottoman set!


A cozy rug is a must have for any reading corner! Whether it's just to pull the corner together or to use it as an alternate place to lounge while reading! Here are a few of my favorite choices! Walmart has so many great plush rug options that are both stylish and comfortable!


If you are creating a book corner you need somewhere to store and display all of your favorite books! I love this bookshelf for kids books, it has four shelves and is the perfect height for little ones to be able to get their own books down! For a more mature look, I love this geometric bookshelf! It has room for plenty of books as well as room to add a plant or photo!


A lamp is not a requirement but if your reading corner has minimal lighting or you will be reading at night you might want to consider adding a lamp! There are so many great options to choose from! You could pick a small table lamp to put on your side table or a floor lamp!


Pillows and blankets help make the reading nook extra cozy! I love floor pillows because you can use them as alternate seating! If you are making the reading corner for your littles you might want to consider multiple seating options! Blankets like this one are great for extra decorations, but also just in case you get chilly while reading!

Side Table-

A side table is a great addition to give you somewhere to put your books, a drink, or anything else you need while reading! Walmart has so many options to fit any budget and match any style!

Personal Touches-

You might want to add some personal touches in like decorations, plants, photos, and candles! Personal touches will help make your reading corner feel more cozy and personal!


You can’t have a reading corner without something to read! I love having new books on hand! You may also want to get an e-reader so that you can have multiple books in one spot!

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