Ideas for One on One Time With your Kids

If you are like me and have more than one kid then you know the importance of spending one on one time with each of your kiddos! Even if you just have one kiddo, making sure they have one on one time with mom and dad individually is important! There are so many benefits to spending one on one time with your kids! It helps build relationships, gives them individual attention, creates memories, and so much more! Spending time with your child individually can be as elaborate or as simple as you want! Kids just want that individual time where your focus is fully on them!

Spa Day-

If you have a kiddo that loves to be pampered, have an at home spa day with them! Grab some sheet masks, nail polish, fun scented lotions, or even a hair treatment mask! Make a comfortable environment by dimming the lights, grabbing a cozy robe and slippers, and turning on some light music! You can even have some fun drinks and snacks to help complete the spa day!

Game Time-

Grab out your kiddos favorite board game, puzzle, or video game and spend some time playing with them! If outdoor games are more their thing, do that instead! No matter what they pick Candy Land, video games, or even a fun game of soccer, they will love getting to play just the two of you!

Coffee Shop-

A super fun thing I love to do is take my kiddos to a coffee shop! I get to enjoy a delicious coffee and I always grab them a treat and a special drink, non-caffeinated of course! Then we sit down and enjoy our drinks and snacks while we chat about whatever they feel like talking about!

Special Outing-

Plan a special outing for just the two of you to go on! Whether that’s to see a movie or a play, visit a museum, go to the park, or even the farmer’s market! There are so many options to choose from when it comes to special outings! Check to see what options are available in your area, you may find something new!


I know so many kids that LOVE arts and crafts or doing science experiments! This is such a fun way to make memories with your kids while doing something so fun! Grab a STEM kit, an arts and crafts kit, or hop on pinterest and come up with something fun to do! This can be as involved or as simple as you want it to be!


One really simple thing I love to do is take my kids individually to go shop! Whether it’s for new school clothes, a special occasion outfit, or even just to window shop for gift ideas! You get to see their personality come out when you take them to shop for things they love!

Bake or Cook-

Grab your aprons and head to the kitchen! Even if you are not an expert in the kitchen you can still have a blast cooking up something fun with your kid! You can go as simple as slice and bake cookies to something more elaborate like making dinner for the family! Kids will love getting to help make the food they eat! This is also a really good way to encourage picky eaters to try something new!

Anything They Love-

Not sure which of these ideas to pick? Just sit down with your kiddo and let them pick! If your kiddo loves reading books, read a book with them! Same goes with riding bikes, going for a walk, or even just playing with their toys with them! Just pick something that they enjoy and they will love that they get to do it with just you!

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