What is Instacart? How You Can Save on Your Order!

Tired of spending hours at the grocery store each week? Save time and use Instacart instead! With Instacart all you have to do is choose what store you want to shop at and then start adding to cart! Once you have everything you need, select a delivery time and checkout!

Your personal shopper will then head to the store and do your shopping for you! They will select each item with care and even chat with you while shopping in case something is out of stock! You will also receive real time updates on your order! Once your shopper has completed your list they will checkout and head to your! Your Instacart shopper will bring all of your groceries right to your front door at your scheduled time!

They are running a special right now where new users can get FREE DELIVERY on their first three orders! For this promotion you don’t need a code, it will automatically apply at checkout! First time customers can also use code INSTAWOW10 at checkout to receive $10 off their purchase of $35 or more! If you are a new customer and choose to pay with Paypal you can get $25 off your purchase of $75 or more when you use the code PAYPALNEW25!


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