What is Pickleball?

Pickleball seems to be all the rage right now! There are courts popping up all over the country and even gyms dedicated to just pickleball! I am sure you have heard of it, but what is it?

Pickleball is a sport that combines some of the elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis into one! You use a paddle and a plastic ball with holes in it, similar to a wiffle ball, to play! It is growing in popularity thanks to its low-impact nature compared to other sports! It is also relatively easy to learn the rules and play!

How do you play?

Typically pickleball is played on a court the same size as a badminton court! One team will serve from the back corner, when serving you must clear the net and both “kitchens”! Pickleball is scored to 11 points, but you must win by 2 or more, and only the serving team can score! Common faults in pickleball are volleying in the kitchen, failing to clear the net, hitting the ball out of bounds, and breaking the double bounce rule!

Ready to Play?

Look up courts near you and see when they have open playing time! There are also lots of facebook pages that organize games, see if there is one near you! If you are wanting to play at home this set can help you get started!!


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