Select Grocery Stores are Trimming Prices on Holiday Foods!
Thanksgiving is approaching which means it is almost time for holiday cooking! In 2022, a Thanksgiving meal is estimated to cost about 13% more than last year. In response, select grocery stores have announced that they are rolling back prices on signiture Holiday foods to bite back at inflation! Stores such as Walmart and Aldi announced that Thanksgiving favorites including appetizers, turkeys, desserts, and sides will match 2021 costs to help those who are battling with high prices this holiday season. This means you can score deals on turkey, ham, stuffing, cheeses, pies and more for a reasonably priced and delicious feasts. For example, whole turkeys are available at Walmart for less than $1 per pound! These amazing deals will be little bit easier on your bank account so you can enjoy Holiday festivities to the fullest.